
Pocket Pronouncements . . . Prompt #89

Today’s prompts are inspired by Write Free, Attracting the Creative Life by Rebecca Lawton and Jordan E. Rosenfeld.

Pocket Pronouncements:

Today I trust:

Today I give:

Today I celebrate:

Note from Marlene: You can write on one of these, two of these or all three. You can mix and match them.

Becca and Jordan write: “We call these ‘Pocket Pronouncements’ because you should be able to write them on something small enough to carry around with you, yet their size and power is far greater than you imagine.”

Write Free.Becca.JordanMarlene has two copies of Write Free, Attracting the Creative Life to give away to the first two people who comment on this blog post.

You can purchase Write Free Attracting the Creative Life at Becca‘s or Jordan’s website.

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  1. kshatriya

    Today I trust that I am one step closer to my goals.

    Today I give away my fear of failure.

    Today I celebrate all those who fight their demons and win.

    1. mcullen Post author

      Yes! Positive affirmations and helpful inspiration. Brief, to the point and celebratory!

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