
Spoof a book . . . Prompt #215

Writing Prompt: Choose a book, write a spoof and submit to Writer’s Digest Reject a Hit.

“In each issue of Writer’s Digest magazine, we ask one reader to step into the role of the unconvinced, perhaps even curmudgeonly or fool-hearted editor. . .

If you’d like to be the one doing the rebuffing, channel the most clueless of editors by humorously rejecting a hit in 300 words. . .

Reject a Hit is humorous, but not mean-spirited. It is not the place to list all the reasons you hate a particular book. To help you understand the spirit of Reject a Hit, browse through the archives of published rejections.”

Books that have been spoofed in the Writer’s Digest Magazine, Reject a Hit column (last page of the magazine):

Note: Amy Marincik (March/April 2013) and Daniel Ari (July/Aug. 2014) are Sonoma County writers (home of The Write Spot Blog). Amy has participated in writing workshops facilitated by Marlene Cullen (host of The Write Spot Blog) and Daniel has been a Writers Forum presenter twice. We liked him so much, we asked him back.


January           Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

March/April    Great Expectations, spoofed by Amy Marincik

May/June        Burning Down My Masters’ House: My Life at the NY Times

July/August    The Exorcist

October           The Lorax

Nov/Dec          The Hobbit


January           The Road

February         The Old Man and The Sea

March/April    Good Night Moon

May/June        Tess of the D’Urbevilles

July/Aug         Tulips & Chimmeys, spoofed by Daniel Ari

September       The Shining

October           Hitchhiker’s Guide To the Galaxy

Nov/Dec          Runny Babbitt: A Billy Sook


February         Our Mutual Friend

Mar/April       Middlemarch

May/June        A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning

July/August    First Blood

September       The Bonfire of the Vanities

October           Inferno

Nov/Dec          Winnie-the-Pooh


January           The Scarlet letter

Your Turn:  Come on now, you can do this.  Choose a book, write a humorous rejection and submit to Writers Digest Reject a Hit.

Reject A Hit.Daniel Ari

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