
You cannot change the past nor control the future.

“Live in the present, since you cannot change the past or control the future.” — B. Lynn Goodwin

Marlene’s Musings: Good advice for anyone, especially writers. Just do your best to be the most authentic writer you can be. Your truth and your genuineness will come out in your writing. Your poignancy, your humor, your unique “you-ness” will bring a freshness and honesty to your writing.

Be your best self . . . who else can you be?

Except from “Celebrate Your Uniqueness,” by B. Lynn Goodwin

B. Lynn GoodwinB. Lynn Goodwin is the owner of Writer Advice, www.writeradvice.com, which is currently holding its 10th Flash Prose Contest. She’s the author of You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers, and a YA called Talent, which Eternal Press will be publishing this year. Her short pieces have been published in local and regional publications.

Lynn will be on a panel of editors at Writers Forum in Petaluma, California on May 21, 2015.

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  1. Lgood67334

    I like that quote. Sure, I said it, but sometimes my beliefs slip a little.

    Have you journaled today? If you want to send me up to 750 words of it, I’ll tell you what resonates with me. You can get my contact information at http://www.writeradvice.com. While you’re there take a look at our contest, enter if it’s right for you, and forward it to your peers if it’s not.

    And now, I’m going back to the memoir I’m writing about getting married for the first time at age 62.

    1. mcullen Post author

      Thank you for this generous offer, Lynn. Writers: Take Lynne’s offer. . . she is an excellent resource for feedback for you writing.

      Lynne, I look forward to reading your memoir. I remember some of your stories from our writing workshop “way back when” with Pat Schneider. You have some heartfelt stories to tell.

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