Just Write

An editor can offer a valuable worthwhile assessment . . .

An editor can offer a valuable worthwhile assessment of writing that can help move the manuscript closer towards publication. — Brian A. Klems, Writers Digest Magazine, October 2012

Note from Marlene: Editors are totally valuable and necessary to fact-check, spot-check, double-check and make you, the writer, look good.

What does an editor do? Click here to check out the series of April 2015 blog posts by editors on The Write Spot Blog.

So . . .  Just Write!   Give those editors something to think about!  Then work with an editor to whip your manuscript into shape.

whipDoesn’t this kitchen whip look like a magic wand?  With the help of an editor to shape your writing. . . it just might feel like a magic wand was waved!



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