Places to submit

Wordrunner wants whatever strikes your fancy.

Wordrunner echapbooks wants emotionally complex and compelling writing. This could be from you. Submissions for the Wordrunner echapbooks anthology series are open January 1-February 29, 2020. Submit your best fiction, creative non-fiction or poetry to Wordrunner’s 10th Anniversary issue, to be published in April 2020. There is no theme. “We want emotionally complex and compelling writing about whatever strikes your fancy, be it serious or humorous or both. Please look in the Archives at previous anthologies to get an idea of what we like to publish.” Submission Guidelines

Book Reviews

The Write Spot: Memories

Marlene Cullen’s collection of short essays compiled in The Write Spot: Memories unfolds like a gently-made, multi-colored origami box. Each story is its only piece, its own regretful, loving, confusing, humorous, illuminating tale, yet held together by one theme that touches us all—our fathers and our memories of them when we were children, and our awakenings about them as we became adults. The Write Spot: Memories is for anyone who has had a father—whether present or absent, loving or distant, authoritarian or goofball. Authentic and relatable, each story is written with deep insight and love. —Julie Wilder-Sherman I love this book and the way it encourages, instructs and gives writers practical ideas to keep on writing. The stories are captivating and written from the heart. Each author ends with an honest description of their Inner Critic and how they tame it! I read this book twice because of the honest…