Places to submit

Brave Healer Productions

Brave Healer Productions Writing Contest Theme: How your pain became your purpose. Submit your 500-word or less entry by noon, EST, July 1, 2022 Include a 50-word bio with one link. Include your high-resolution headshot. Brave Healer Productions sponsors ongoing writing contests. So, if this topic doesn’t work for you, check their website for the next contest theme. Brave Healer Productions Blog Brave Healer works with writers to produce their books, such as: “Shaman Heart, Turning Pain Into Passion and Purpose,” an remarkable book that inspires readers to develop a shaman heart — one that can only be obtained by coming through our darkest moments more healed and whole and then lighting the way for others. 

Places to submit

The New Verse News

The New Verse News covers the news of the day with poems on issues, large and small, international and local. It relies on the submission of poems (especially those of a politically progressive bent) by writers from all over the world. The editors update the website every day or two with the best work received. What’s best? A genuinely poetic take on a very current and specific news story or event. TIPS FROM THE EDITOR See the website for guidelines and for examples of the kinds of poems the New Verse News publishes. Scroll down to read thesubmission guidelines in the sidebar. Paste your submission and a brief bio in the text of an e-mail (no attachments, please) to nvneditor [at] Write “Verse News Submission” in the subject line of your e-mail. Unpublished poems only. No payment. No simultaneous submissions. For an example of what is published, please read: “Hope” by Sandra Anfang,…

Places to submit

Six Sentences

Thanks to Guy Biederman for letting me know about Six Sentences. Six Sentences It’s simple. Just write six sentences. Write anything you like. Guidelines Formatting: Six Sentences uses a paragraph format. Six consecutive sentences. No poems, no bullets. Be unconventional if using dialogue. Again, write anything you like, and tell a friend. Peace. Guy is a prolific writer who regularly submits his writing to publications. Join us to learn the inside story to Guy’s many successes: May 19, 6 pm PST, Free on Zoom, Recovery Writing of Idaho.

Places to submit

University Presses

“The backbone of many university presses’ trade programs is probably familiar: local and regional history, cookbooks, photography books, and other sorts of consumer-friendly titles with an obvious connection to the area or university. But many also offer a home for books that are niche, experimental, challenging in various ways, and/or just kind of weird.” —Adam Rosen, Why You Should Consider a University Press for Your Book, Jane Friedman’s Blog, April 5, 2022 A few university presses Fourteen Hills, The San Francisco State University Review The Green Hills Literary Lantern, Truman State University Bayou Magazine, University of New Orleans

Places to submit

2022 Voices of Lincoln Poetry Contest

❖ The 2022 Voices of Lincoln Poetry Contest ❖ The Voices of Lincoln Poetry Contest is open to adult and young poets. Everyone is encouraged to enter the contest. Poets do not have to live in Lincoln, CA to be eligible. There is no entry fee. Poems must be received by Thursday, July 21, 2022 Young Poets, 18-years of age or under, are encouraged to submit poems and will compete in a special “Young Poets” category.  Contest theme: People Are . . . Everything. Contest Categories: People Are Funny     People Are Amazing     People Are World Changers     People Are Unreasonable    People Are Unpredictable Contest Rules and Entry Form Contact Alan Lowe for more information and for a copy of the entry form.

Places to submit

The Disappointed Housewife

Notes from The Disappointed Housewife editor Kevin Brennan: “The Disappointed Housewife is a literary journal for writers, and readers, who are seeking something different. We like the idiosyncratic, the iconoclastic, the offbeat, the hard-to-categorize. Out of the universe of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction, we want to attract work that plays with form and presentation. Work that’s not just outside the box but turns the box inside out.” Excerpt from Mission Statement I took a long time debating whether to launch this literary journal. I wondered whether there’s really a need for another online gazette of literature and image, when readers hardly have time to read their friends’ Facebook pages much less an actual book now and then. But I got to thinking, there are an awful lot of writers out there, looking for places to share their work. And while blogs offer a kind of outlet for works of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry,…

Places to submit

Brevity Blog seeks submissions

Brevity Blog is the place to discuss issues related to the writing of creative nonfiction. “Though we don’t shy away from important issues in the writing community, the Brevity blog can also often be colloquial, personal, and at times irreverent or humorous, and our most popular posts tend to be those that are the least academic.” Appropriate topics for the Blog include the craft of writing nonfiction, issues in editing and publishing, writing conference and creative writing classroom experiences, interviews with writers or editors, prompts, close reading of essays or essayists, or specific issues that challenge us as we attempt to capture true experiences on the page.  Word Count: 500 to1,000 word range (sweet spot is 850). Brevity Online Journal also welcomes submissions.

Places to submit

Riddled with Arrows

Riddled with Arrows is an online literary journal dedicated to writing about writing. “We seek (short) metafiction, ars poetica, and writing that celebrates the process and product of writing as art. No restrictions on genre or form, so long as the work is about writing, straight up.” Theme Calendar Submission Guidelines Thank you, Guy Biederman, for letting me know about Riddled with Arrows. Guy’s writing, Affordable Shakespeare is in the 5.1 issue of Riddled with Arrows. #amwriting #justwrite #iamawriter

Places to submit

More Chicken Soup For The Soul

Do you think submitting stories to Chicken Soup For The Soul books are for someone else, not for you? Do you think you have no chance of your writing being selected? Well, I know three people who have had their writing accepted. So, why not you? One of the key things is to follow their guidelines. Thank you, John Lesjack, for letting me know about the holiday topics (deadline 5/1/22). John has been published in Chicken Soup books over ten times. Nancy Julien Kopp has been published in Chicken Soup books over 20 times! Possible Chicken Soup Topics Angels (deadline 4/15/22) Crazy, eccentric, wacky lovable, fun families (4/30/22) Cats (deadline 5/30/22) Dogs (deadline 5/30/22) How stepping outside my comfort zone changed me (deadline 7/31/22) Chicken Soup Holiday Topics Are the memories from this past holiday season still fresh in your mind? We sure hope so! That’s why, just a few…

Places to submit

The Ekphrastic Review

The Ekphrastic Review “We only publish literature inspired by or responding to visual art in some way. Our definition is flexible, but we are a niche journal and an ekphrastic writing archive and do not consider or publish non-ekphrastic work. Submissions that are not connected in some way to visual art will be deleted without response.”  Ekphrastic Mission​The Ekphrastic Review is committed to the growth, expansion, and practice of the art form of creative writing inspired or prompted by visual art.  We define ekphrastic writing simply as “creative writing inspired by art.” The piece can be an in-depth experience of the art work, or it can use the art as a starting point for expression. The connection to the artwork or artist can be subtle, or it can be central to the work. Best Chances of Publication 1. Ekphrastic translations. We are hungry for ekphrastic work from all over the world,…