
Flowed beautifully . . . Prompt #668

Photo by Karen Handyside Ely

Write about a time, or an event, that flowed beautifully.

Maybe it was a trip or a visit that was perfect.

You could also write about music, art, or any creative endeavor that you cannot forget.

Or write about something you read, or something you wrote, that conveyed a message succinctly and engagingly.

Today’s writing prompt is inspired by the Writers Digest Review of “The Write Spot: Musings and Ravings From a Pandemic Year.”

“This book is exemplary in its voice and writing style. It has a unique voice, and the writing style is consistent throughout. The style and tone are also consistent with or will appeal to readers of a variety of genres. Because this is a collection of different voices, the styles and rhythms are unique to each author. Yet they all flow beautifully, conveying their message succinctly and engagingly.”

Note from Marlene: Why yes, I do find prompts in unusual and intriguing places!

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