
“Magic happens in rewriting.”

“Muse still comes in a rewrite. Magic happens in rewriting. As you chip away, themes appear. Start the story on the day the character’s life changes. Use your first draft to explore characters.” — Jennifer Lynn Alvarez, author of The Pet Washer and Guardian Herd – Starfire

Jennifer says this about Starfire:

“It wrote me. I did not come up for air until the first draft was finished. I’d always been warned not to write ‘talking animal’ books — that publishers don’t like them — but as I edited STARFIRE, I realized it was the book I’d always wanted to read as a kid.”

“In hindsight, I’m grateful STARFIRE is the book that broke through because this book, my fifth, is the book I was born to write. It is the sum of me and my interests—flying horses and underdogs, heroes and bullies, and a special colt watching his herd, wishing he was not an outsider. It’s the story for anyone who’s ever felt left out, or different, or alone, but who believes in their heart they can belong and, perhaps, make a difference. It’s my story, and now—thanks to my agent and HarperCollins—it can be your story too.”

Note from Marlene: Is there a story you have always wanted to write?   Use any of the prompts on The Write Spot Blog to jumpstart your writing. Just Write!


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