Guest Bloggers

Jeff Goins & His System

Today’s guest blogger, Jeff Goins, shares the system he uses to write books and blog posts.  Excerpt from Jeff: Most writers think writing is a one-step process . . . it’s a three-step process: coming up with ideas, turning those ideas into drafts, and then editing those drafts into publishable pieces. The Three-Bucket System . . . how I get my writing done. Bucket #1: Ideas Capture ideas [and keep] in a place where you can return to. Bucket #2: Drafts Pull an idea out from the first bucket and start writing. Save in a draft folder. At any given time, I have a whole bunch of half-finished chapters and blog posts on my computer begging to be edited and completed. The point of this system is to think as little as possible and just do the next thing. Bucket #3: Edits Pull out one of those drafts and edit it. Either schedule it…