Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogger Margie Lawson: Give the reader a visual.

If you have written with me (Marlene), or if we have worked together on a writer/editor collaboration, you have heard me say “give the reader a visual.”  I’m so excited to discover Margie Lawson and her thoughts about visuals. The following is an excerpt from her May 20, 2016 guest blog post on Writers In The Storm. Margie Lawson – Guest Blogger: Most writers know Show Don’t Tell, but sometimes they think they’re showing when they are telling. Here’s my oh-so-easy check. Read the sentence that you think SHOWS the reader something. Ask yourself —- What’s the Visual? You may be surprised that the sentence doesn’t provide a visual. Wondering why I care? Wondering why I think you should care? Most readers have a video playing in their mind of the scene they are reading. If a writer TELLS instead of SHOWS, the reader’s screen goes blank. No imagery. No power. When…