
Make Light in the Dark

Memorable writing that sparks imagination. Lean in. Hear the writer’s voice on the page.

Make Light in the Dark

A Letter of Forgiveness to Myself

by Caryl Sherman


pale, broken, and lonely

sit up

stretch out your arms

take a deep cleansing breath


You don’t have to hold

yourself apart

from others anymore


Cradle your intention

slowly rock away the fears

long to see the light

listen to the raindrops

splash away the tears


Forgive yourself

be a better purveyor

of your own destiny


Ever changing and growing with age

intentionally litter your psyche

with sprinkles and

multi-colored streamers



Make light in the dark

hold yourself

in the palm of love


Your humbled heart

is right here…

in the best place

at the right time

in our mutual care


Live joy no matter what

reminisce in laughter

forgive again


You are renewed, refreshed, and emboldened

have trust and solace in your self pride 

rest easily

cast away all doubt

throw kisses to the wind…

Caryl Sherman: In the words of the very famous, and beloved cartoon character, Popeye the Sailor Man, “I y’am who I y’am and that’s who I y’am”.

I am the artist, and musician, formerly known as Leigh Anne Caryl. I thought using a pen name would give me the veil of protection and credibility I needed to write authentically; but that turned out NOT to be true. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

My authenticity is in who I REALLY am, just as honestly flawed and mismanaged as I was meant to be all along.

So, I start anew, shape shifting my writings, in all its tempestuous glory; by my given name, in the hope that you accept me for who I really y’am!

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