
Dear Number Five

Memorable writing that sparks imagination. Lean in. Hear the writer’s voice on the page. Dear Number Five By Karen Quest Dear Number Five, If we are to believe the song, one is the loneliest number, but without you, we wouldn’t know where we’d be. I checked you out, and from math to science, to art, music and literature, to religion and biology, you’re everywhere! I hope you have fun reading some cool facts about yourself. I give you my Ode to Five. Starfish are pentamerous Which might sound kind of calamitous Five appendages have they And no matter what you might say I think they are quite glamorous. It isn’t criminal to take the Fifth. Lanford Wilson chose you for the title of his play, The Fifth of July. Beethoven named one of his symphonies after you. There are 25 one-ounce shots in a fifth of alcohol. Almost all amphibians,…

Places to submit

New Millennium

New Millennium Writings is an anthology where newcomers are welcome to submit their writing along with established authors. NMW also hosts semi-annual awards in poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. “New Millennium Writings was launched in 1996 with a 15-word classified ad. From those humble beginnings, NMW has exploded into an internationally recognized and highly sought-after literary award and journal. We believe in the creative potential of every writer, regardless of experience. Our blind and anonymous judging system ensures equality to writers of every level. All writers are welcome, and no subject is off-limits.”

Just Write

Jon Batiste. This is Who I Am.

As I prepared this blog post, we were a country in mourning. Another school shooting. Ukraine. And more. My heart is breaking. Maybe yours is, too. I try not to get overwhelmed by tragedies. I always fail. I try to look on the bright side. I usually succeed. Today’s post highlights Jonathon Michael Batiste, looking on the bright side. In his commencement address at Salve Regina University, May 21, 2017, Jon Batiste asked, “Who can you help along the way?” In my Write Spot Blog posts, I hope to inspire writing. I hope to encourage and offer ideas for you to Just Write.   Perhaps Jon’s from-the-heart commencement address will uplift and inspire you. Quotes from the commence talk “Be as humane as possible. It’s really important to stay human.” “Who are you?” “Who do you want to be?” “What is your purpose?” “. . . internal fortitude amidst the…


Comfort Food . . . Prompt #653

Comfort Food is a real thing. The idea of eating for comfort might be new to you. Or you may have experienced how food can bring relaxation and a sense of well-being since you were a child. Perhaps you are an “eat to live” person and became a “love to eat” person during shelter in place, when activities were limited and frustrations were high. Here’s what happened to me with comfort food during shelter in place, summer 2020. “Comfort food took on a new meaning. It was more than comfort food. It was about how to cope with feeling scared. When food filled my belly, there was more than a feeling of satiation. There was a feeling of we’re going to be okay. We can handle this. I tell myself this is just a moment in time. It’s temporary. But I know we are forever changed.” —“Things I Never Thought…

Just Write


So, you had trouble falling asleep. Again. Or, you woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. Or both. Why does this happen and what to do about it? The following is excepted from “Up at 4 A.M.?” by Amy Spencer, in the magazine, Dr. Oz The Good Life, Jan-Feb 2015 (an oldie, and hopefully a goodie). What happens If we’re not sure how something will play out, our primitive mind prepares us for the worst possible outcome. Survival Back in our cave days, our ancestors needed to be prepared to fight or flee to survive. Key The primitive part of the brain—the amygdala—thinks our idle ruminations are urgent matters that need to be dealt with right away, as if they are real emergencies. Wide Awake And there we are, wide awake, ready and alert, to battle the catastrophe that we have imagined. What To Do Take some deep, relaxing…

Places to submit

Brave Healer Productions

Brave Healer Productions Writing Contest Theme: How your pain became your purpose. Submit your 500-word or less entry by noon, EST, July 1, 2022 Include a 50-word bio with one link. Include your high-resolution headshot. Brave Healer Productions sponsors ongoing writing contests. So, if this topic doesn’t work for you, check their website for the next contest theme. Brave Healer Productions Blog Brave Healer works with writers to produce their books, such as: “Shaman Heart, Turning Pain Into Passion and Purpose,” an remarkable book that inspires readers to develop a shaman heart — one that can only be obtained by coming through our darkest moments more healed and whole and then lighting the way for others. 

Just Write

Strenghten Your Writing

Ideas for strong writing. Use active voice rather than passive voice. ~From  –  sign up to receive free daily emails with writing tips: English verbs are said to have two voices: active and passive. Active Voice: the subject of the sentence performs the action: His son catches fly balls. Creative children often dream in class. Passive Voice: the subject receives the action: The ball was caught by the first baseman.The duty is performed by the new recruits.The dough was beaten by the mixer.The mailman was bitten by the dog. ~From Manuscript Makeover by Elizabeth Lyon Adjectives: Use sparingly and consciously. Overuse indicates a need to find more precise nouns and to show rather than tell. Adverbs: Too often, writers use these to beef up weak verbs. Your goal should be to make verbs strong enough to do the work themselves and kill off your adverbs. You won’t be able…