Guest Bloggers

Manifest with Brad Yates

Brad Yates

Today’s Guest Blogger is Brad Yates.

In Manifestation 101 (& Taking Likely Action) Brad talks about a five-step process for manifesting what you really want.

1. Create It
2. Clear It
3. Live It
4. Let Go

5. Likely Action

Step One: Create It

Decide what you really want.  Write it down. Start with something like:

“I am so happy!  I have . . .”

Then list the qualities and features of what it is you want (as if you already have them).

It’s important that you write it in the present.  If you write “I want this,” then you are vibrating at a frequency of want – and the wanting of it is what you will continue to attract. You want to be vibrating in harmony with already having it.

Write positive things, stating the positive aspect (what it has), rather than what it doesn’t have. If you write, “My new boyfriend isn’t a loser,” you are putting “loser” vibrations into the ether.  

Rather than asking for money, focus on what you want to have. I focused on a trip I wanted to take, which I estimated to cost about $1,200. [And this is what Brad received.]

Don’t limit the Universe by saying it has to be paid for in cash. If you want a new car – focus on the car. The money might show up, but you might also win the car.

Once you’ve given the parameters of what you want, write at the end, “This, or something better – for the highest good of all concerned.”   Give the Universe an opportunity to give you something better and/or more appropriate – it knows better than we do.

Step Two: Clear It

Here’s where Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) comes into play. Too often we send contradictory energy, keeping what we consciously say we want at a distance from ourselves.

Clear any contradictory thoughts.  The Universe picks up on them all. The biggest, in my experience, is: “I don’t deserve to have this.”  Tap on it, or use whatever other tools you might have for releasing blocks to your success.  

You also want to be clear on your intentions. If you have doubts about your motives, you will either block the attainment of your objective, or limit your ability to receive it in a joyful manner. Make sure you want it for the right reasons (and only you can decide what is right for you.)

Keep at this until you can think about the successful attainment of your objective without feeling any resistance.

Step Three: Live It

Now that you can think about the successful attainment of your objective without feeling any resistance – do so. Really think about having it – and allow yourself to enjoy that.

Indulge in all the positive feelings you expect to experience while enjoying this thing in your life. Really feel how good it feels.

Now would be a good time to tap yourself into trance and visualize yourself really enjoying your objective. As you do so, allow the positive feelings to wash over you and through you – feeling good in every muscle, nerve, fiber, tissue, cell and atom of your body.  Do this once a day – a daily reminder of what you are up to.

Step Four: Let Go

I also call this “Let Go and Let God.”  

You need to be unattached to the outcome. Otherwise, you might start clenching your energy, asking “Where is it?”

Not great attracting energy.

A farmer doesn’t plant a seed, then stare at it in frustration hoping for it to grow. He does what he can to nurture it, but otherwise leaves it to nature to do what it does.

Also, you don’t want to be attached to how it happens. You might be staring at a door waiting for that someone to walk in, and completely miss them because they came through the side door.

Now, this doesn’t mean you don’t take action. Do what you can – let the Universe know you are serious about making things happen. Just don’t be surprised if the manifestation comes in a way that doesn’t seem to be directly related to what you are doing.

Tapping can be very helpful with this step, too.  “Even though I feel I HAVE TO HAVE THIS NOW!!!.”  Let that go.

If you’ve created your vision, cleared all internal objections to it, allowed yourself to experience living it and really feel how great it would be to have it – and it still isn’t showing up – then you need to trust that maybe it really isn’t in your best interest to have this objective at present.  

But, “God’s delays are not God’s denials.”

More often than not, there’s more clearing work to do. Abundance just is. It is all around. The extent to which we are not experiencing it is the extent to which we are resisting it.

Stop resisting it.

Manifest it.

You deserve it.

Step Five: Likely Action

The Universe has many ways of making something happen – and yet we routinely limit ourselves to what we can think up on our own.

Our job is to decide what we want, and focus on that in a positive way. Not to figure out how it is going to happen.

That’s the Universe’s job.

Instead of waiting until you know the right action, take a likely action, an action that is likely to move you toward your goal.

Come up with lots of likely plans of action. Act on one of them.

When thinking of your goal, ask yourself: “What could I do that might get me there?” No need to censor yourself – let the ideas flow, and ask of each, “Is this likely to move me in the right direction?” Then choose one and begin.

Sure – you might make a mistake, and there may be consequences for that. You don’t have to be married to an idea – you can change strategies along the way. But there is a definite consequence for not taking action: you stay stuck.

Decide what you want. Be clear. Then take likely action.

That’s how the Universe knows you are serious about your intention. If you aren’t willing to move on it, the Universe may consider it just one of your countless whims. Show your commitment to your objective by getting going.

And don’t be surprised as better ways to do it “magically” show up along the way.

Now…what are you waiting for…? Get going! Do something now!

Brad Yates is one of the top teachers of Emotional Freedom Techniques® (EFT), a quick, simple, effective method for overcoming fear and relieving stress. EFT, also sometimes referred to as Tapping, can help just about anyone dealing with anxiety and negative emotions.

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