Use a pivotal event as a way into writing a personal essay, or a slice of your life . . . a memoir, or creative non-fiction. A pivotal event is something happened and you weren’t the same after. Obvious pivotal events are graduating from school, first job, getting married, having a baby, retiring. There are more subtle events that, at the time, you didn’t know would be a pivotal event. Those are the events that could result in a riveting essay, or give you closure. Prompt 1 Make a list of things, events, people that you carry in your mind. These are events that you can’t forget. People who haunt you. Memories that you can’t seem to let go. These are things you think about over and over, events that are on repeat in your brain. Things that happened that you can’t stop thinking about, maybe things you lose sleep…
Tag: Brad Yates
So, you had trouble falling asleep. Again. Or, you woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. Or both. Why does this happen and what to do about it? The following is excepted from “Up at 4 A.M.?” by Amy Spencer, in the magazine, Dr. Oz The Good Life, Jan-Feb 2015 (an oldie, and hopefully a goodie). What happens If we’re not sure how something will play out, our primitive mind prepares us for the worst possible outcome. Survival Back in our cave days, our ancestors needed to be prepared to fight or flee to survive. Key The primitive part of the brain—the amygdala—thinks our idle ruminations are urgent matters that need to be dealt with right away, as if they are real emergencies. Wide Awake And there we are, wide awake, ready and alert, to battle the catastrophe that we have imagined. What To Do Take some deep, relaxing…
Strategies For Stress Reduction
By now, many of us know the drill to stay safe during the 2020 pandemic: Wash hands, wear a mask, and social distancing. But what about our mind, body, and spirit? “My lab’s study found the best recipe for dealing with everyday stressors is to try to simultaneously plan ahead about what you can control and stay in the moment mindfully.” —Shevan D. Neupert, Ph.D, “How to Soothe Your Soul,” August 2020 Consumer Reports The activities listed to soothe your soul in this article are the same as the restorative activities in the resource section of The Write Spot: Writing as a Path to Healing. ~ Prepare and plan. “Tasks that distract you now but also benefit you in the future are wonderful.” — Joyce A. Corsica, Ph.D, “How to Soothe Your Soul,” August 2020 Consumer Reports If you are working on a writing project, plan for the result. If…
Manifest with Brad Yates
Today’s Guest Blogger is Brad Yates. In Manifestation 101 (& Taking Likely Action) Brad talks about a five-step process for manifesting what you really want. 1. Create It 2. Clear It 3. Live It 4. Let Go 5. Likely Action Step One: Create It Decide what you really want. Write it down. Start with something like: “I am so happy! I have . . .” Then list the qualities and features of what it is you want (as if you already have them). It’s important that you write it in the present. If you write “I want this,” then you are vibrating at a frequency of want – and the wanting of it is what you will continue to attract. You want to be vibrating in harmony with already having it. Write positive things, stating the positive aspect (what it has), rather than what it doesn’t have. If you write, “My…
The mind can’t tell the difference . . .
Today’s guest blogger is the extraordinary Brad Yates, Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping (EFT) instructor. Reposted from his 8/19/2019 Email. Reviewing the Past In spite of all the encouragement to live in the present or focus on the future, most of us are likely to still spend a fair amount of time reviewing the past. And, more often than not, the moments we dwell on are not necessarily the highlights. It’s normal … but it isn’t without cost. Because the mind can’t tell the difference between something that is real and something that is imagined, just thinking about past troubles triggers the same chemical reactions and the same uncomfortable feelings. Given that we create our reality based on what we are feeling, you can see where this could be problematic. Each time we go through those unpleasant experiences, we hardwire those memories and feelings more firmly, making it more likely we’ll keep…
You can be your own genie.
What is it about your life that isn’t satisfying right now? Can you change that? Brad Yates, one of the top teachers of Emotional Freedom Techniques® (EFT), is today’s guest blogger. He wrote about “Granting Wishes Incrementally” in his November 2017 free monthly newsletter. Brad: Just for a moment, close your eyes, and imagine walking along a beach. Imagine that you come across a lamp in the sand, and as you brush the sand off it, a puff of smoke emits from the opening, eventually growing and taking the form of a genie. “I will grant you any wish you desire. What is your command?” the genie says. So… if you could have a wish granted in this way, what would you ask for? A huge sum of money? A killer body? A dream vacation? Give it some thought. Is that what you really want? Now consider this . . . Would…
Brad Yates Inspires Action
Note from Marlene: I have been helped and inspired by Brad Yates and his Tapping Videos. I hope you enjoy reading about his New Year’s Eve experience in Paris. Guest Blogger Brad Yates: Walking with a blind man From time to time we hear stories – or see videos – of differently-abled people doing remarkable things. We may find these stories to be inspiring… and sometimes we might even find them challenging, as we confront how we may have allowed lesser hurdles than theirs to limit our lives. We can allow ourselves to be shamed by these, or let them serve as wake-up calls to stop making excuses. Naturally, I’d guide folks towards the second option. Most of the time, these stories come into our awareness in a fleeting way, and not a personal one. More often, it’s someone we don’t know and will likely never meet, making it less…