Guest Bloggers

Write during stressful times.

“We need people who are taking the stress of this time and turning it into art, even if it’s solely for the effect it has on the artist.” — Nathan Bransford

Guest Blogger Nathan Bransford shares tips about how to write during stressful times.

Writing  is one of the best ways we have to turn darkness into light.

Here are some tips that have worked for me [Nathan] when I needed to write and life circumstances were interfering in a big way:

~If you have the means and ability to write during this time, you have it really good. Recognize your luck. Let that privilege sink in. Let it guide you toward being a better and more generous person.

~Self-quarantining and working from home might free up time, which could feel like a huge opportunity that you don’t want to pass up.

But paradoxically, having a lot of time to write can actually slow you down. And that’s during calm times. You’re probably not going to work as quickly as you normally do. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

~ The benefits of meditation for writing during times of anxiety.

Excepted from “Writing in a time of anxiety,” Nathan Bransford’s March 15, 2020 Blog Post.

Nathan Bransford is the author of How to Write a Novel and the Jacob Wonderbar series.

Nathan is dedicated to helping authors chase their dreams. His blog has everything you need to know to write, edit, and publish a book. Nathan is available for manuscript edits, query critiques, and coaching!

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