Places to submit

AGNI accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews.


AGNI Magazine accepts fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and interviews for their print and online literary magazines.

“We see literature and the arts as part of a broad, ongoing cultural conversation that every society needs to remain vibrant and alive. Our writers and artists hold a mirror up to nature, mankind, the world; they courageously reflect their age, for better or worse; and their work provokes perceptions and thoughts that help us understand and respond to our age. Literature for literature’s sake is not what AGNI is about.”

Submission period: Between September 1st and May 31st.

Payment: $10 per printed (or printed-out) page for all accepted prose, $20 per page for poetry, $150 maximum, along with a year’s subscription, and, for the print magazine, two contributor’s copies and four gift copies of the issue.

Be sure to read all details regarding submissions. It would be a shame to miss out on being published due to a technical error.

Good Luck!

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