

Memorable writing that sparks imagination. Lean in. Hear the writer’s voice on the page.


By Su Shafer

I have become a stone.

A gemstone. Labradorite

Or Moonstone maybe.

No – an Orca Agate

From the Earth, with an affinity with water.

I am a stationary object.

My unruly legs have taught me

The power of stillness,

How motionlessness invites presence

In each moment.


Today I watched a bee visit

All the flowers in my patio planter.

Her tender attention to each one

The pollen pantaloons on her legs

The song of her wings, 

Humming as she went from floret to floret

Trailing in the air behind her as she flew off.


Her busy work reminds me

There are no small lives.

I think of her and her sisters

Bustling about in the hive,

Content in their purposefulness.

Unlike my quiet house

There is no stillness in a hive

Even when they pause for a brief repast

Of bee bread and honey.

Su Shafer is a creative crafter, fabricating bits of writing in poetry and short stories, and other bits into characters that appear in paintings or sit on various bookshelves and coffee tables. She lives in a cottage on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, where the tea kettle is always whistling and the biscuits freshly baked. One never knows who might stop by to share a rainy afternoon. And all are welcome!

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