Places to submit

Broad Street seeks writing that shows the truth in a new way

Broad Street magazine is “always looking for more talent . . .  so if you have an interesting piece of nonfiction—poetry, essay, reportage, memoir or other writing—or art” . . . Submit!

“Nonprofit semi-annual magazine featuring true stories told in many different ways. Seeks beautiful crafted poetry, essay, reportage, memoir or other writing that present the truth in a way that’s new and special.” — The Writer magazine, June 2015

Submisssions/themes, see if there is something just right for you. Upcoming theme:

Birth, School, Work, Death (submit until April 1, 2017 for spring/summer 2017 issue).
The Seven Ages of Man have become the Four Ages of Humankind.  We’re born, we learn, we work, we die. Broad Street has conceived of a four-part magazine with several features exploring each phase of life.  Give us your origin stories, your schoolroom struggles, your cubicle frustrations, your tales of passing on.  Where has this road taken you?

Broad Street



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