Places to submit

Enter Writer Advice Contest And Receive Feedback.

If you want your writing to be published, you have to submit.

If you want to be a better writer, you need feedback.

You can get both when submitting to Writer Advice contests.

B. Lynn GoodwinB. Lynn Goodwin, founder of Writer Advice, reads every manuscript submitted. She will give you excellent feedback, tell you what’s working and identify anything that trips her up.

I first met Lynn in a writing workshop in Berkeley, CA, summer of 2007. I admired her writing then and admire her editing skills now.

Lynn’s tips on how to win a contest:

Entice. Grab attention. Make the reader want to know more. Give reasons for the reader to care.

Due by September 1: Scintillating Starts:  Middle Grade, Young Adult, or New Adult novels. 1000 words or less. Fee: $15. First prize: $160. Second prize. $50.

Due by December 1: Scintillating Starts: Fiction, memoir, or creative non-fiction. 1000 words or less. Fee: $15. First prize: $160. Second prize. $50.

Click on Contest Guidelines for complete rules for submitting to Writer Advice contests.

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