Places to submit


Rebecca Evans taught an amazing class about writing monologues, which sent me on a search for “monologue submissions.” Scroll down for information on Rebecca’s June 16, 2022 writing workshop.

A few places to submit monologues

FORWARD THEATRE:  2023 Monologue Festival Out in This World

“The detour that leads to an unexpected adventure. The vacation where everything goes wrong. The annoying stranger who turns into an amazing guide. Forward Theater is looking for original scripts about travel, whether to places far away or destinations close to home. Even a trip across the street can expand your horizons.

Here is your chance to create a tale of the connection, joy, fear, beauty, exploration, and discovery that can only happen when you get out in this world.

As you consider what to write, please be as creative as possible. It can take the form of comedy, spoken word, drama, farce, autobiography, or pure fiction. Our goal is to produce a wildly diverse evening of theater, so let your imagination run free!”

Deadline: October 1, 2022. 

Guidelines for 2023 Monologue Festival Out in This World

THE ROSE THEATRE COMPANY seeks short comedic monologues for the creation of a curated digital film & audio series titled IN CHARACTER. 

Selected monologues will be produced and released by The Rose for use across digital platforms, including audible, Instagram, and You Tube channels. 

We’re looking for compelling, well-told and entertaining first-person stories. Non-traditional pieces (stand-up, literary, poems, music, sketch, spoken-word) are welcome provided they meet The GUIDELINES.


Ongoing calls for submissions for monologues and plays.

Now accepting Submissions for a new monologue collection with the working title of: WE/US: 100 Monologues for Gender Minority Actors

Deadline: June 30, 2022 12 midnight EST

FILM FREEWAY lists festivals to submit monologues and plays.

You can use writing prompts for ideas for monologues, especially:

Tall Tales or Truth

Comfort Food

Still Struggling

People Are

Just Write!

Rebecca Evans will teach another writing class on June 16, 2022. Register with Recovery Writing of Idaho.

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