
Regrets . . . Prompt #803

Regrets: We all have them.

There are four parts to this writing prompt. You can do all four at once. Or, take breaks. Write on one prompt at a time.

Take care of yourself while writing:

Look up. Walk around. Look out a window. Take some deep breaths.

Part 1:  Write about a regret you have.

Something you did or something happened that you wish hadn’t happened.

Write what happened as if you were a journalist.

This happened. Then that happened.

Write for 20 minutes.

Part 2:  Write about the emotions surrounding that experience.

Remember: Take care while writing.

Part 3.  What are you resisting writing about?

Take a deep breath. Capture whatever you can about what happened. Put your thoughts and feelings into words.

Part 4.  Let go.  Notice what you are feeling. Allow your feelings to be. Deep breath in. Let it out. Release.

Turn your attention to now, this moment.

Turn away from wanting a different outcome.

Invite compassion in.

Welcome your feelings, whatever they are . . . rather than try to push then away.

Sit with your emotion

Welcome your emotions with an open heart.

You can say, silently, quietly, or out loud:

“Regret or anger . . . I have always pushed you away. Now, I’m allowing you to be here.”

Can you let go of those feelings of regret?

Deep breath in. Exhale.

Take another deep breath in. Exhale

Acknowledge your regrets and allow them to be.

The Write Spot: Writing as a Path to Healing” has many resources for taking care while writing about difficult subjects.

Blog posts on self-care while writing: Use Your Writing To Heal.

Just Write!

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