Guest Bloggers

Guest blogger Arlene Miller asks, “Should we dumb down the language?”

Guest Blogger Arlene Miller writes: I am a member of some grammar groups on LinkedIn, where there are fascinating — and long – discussions of what some people would call grammatical minutiae. However, this week, I saw a discussion that I found a little surprising. The question posed was “Should we continue to teach who and whom to our students?” the real question is: Should we continue to teach the difference between them and when to use each? On my blog, bigwords 101, I talked about the difference between linguistic and grammatical prescriptivism and descriptivism: ▪    Prescriptivists (the camp that I lean toward) think that the rules are there and they should be followed. ▪    Descriptivists believe that language evolves as new usages come into play. Well, if we followed a purely prescriptivist viewpoint, we would still be using the language of centuries ago – thank you, Chaucer. But what would happen if we…