Places to submit

You’re doing what? Magazine submissions.

Adair Lara talked about publishing in magazines during her Summer 2009 Writing Class, giving me the idea for this blog post. 1. Research . . . really research. . . where you could send your writing. Make sure the publication you have in mind publishes the type of writing you want to submit. Read the magazine you hope to be published in cover-to-cover, including the ads. Notice the tone of the articles/essays. Research the demographics . . . make a list of who the ads are geared towards (age, gender, lifestyle, socioeconomic). Make sure your article/essay fits those demographics. You can research magazines at libraries and ask for magazines from: hairdressers, medical offices, etc. Of course, buying magazines is good. We want to support our local vendors, but sometimes we need to use free resources. 2. Look at the magazine’s masthead. . . this is in the first few pages…