Guest Bloggers

Avoid clichéd characters. . . and more, from Guest Blogger Daryl Hajek

Guest blogger Daryl Hajek discusses a writer’s journey. I was taught to learn to read and write at a young age, even before kindergarten. My parents had told me, because of my deafness, they were determined that I was going to learn to read and write. That was the beginning of my journey into reading and writing. As Stephen King says, “Read a lot, write a lot.”  I do this by reading two or three books (or ebooks) concurrently, but that’s a quirk of mine.  I also write at least one hour a day, up to eight hours, depending on my mood or how I’m feeling. Learn as much as you can about writing.  Take a writing course or two.  Get how-to books on writing.  Join a book club.  Network with other authors/writers online via social media. Get a professional editor which is an absolute must, no exceptions whatsoever.  Otherwise, unedited works show…