Guest Bloggers

Calm Your Brain

Guest Blogger Suzanne Murray has this to say: With anxiety and fear running high in the world these days, I wanted to share how we can make friends with these feelings and use them to our advantage. Anxiety and fear can prevent us from being creative or living a life we love. To live and create fully, we be must be willing again and again to step out of our old comfortable life and into unknown territory. This always feels scary. Many years ago I read the self-help book Feel the Fear, And Do It Anyway which presents the premise that just because we feel a sense of fear about a project or moving in a new direction in our lives doesn’t mean we are supposed to stop ourselves from proceeding. More recently I’ve been fine-tuning my understanding of what this really means and feels like, how to best use it in…


It’s time to . . . .

It’s time to leave behind the beliefs that limit us and embrace the creative beings we truly are. —Suzanne Murray  Join Suzanne in one of her many fabulous writing workshops, or personal coaching, or EFT.  Yosemite Spring Retreat  April 4 – April 6 Journey to the west of Ireland The Heart of Writing – a four week coaching package EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Check out Suzanne’s Blog for ideas on writing, creativity and life coaching.