Places to submit

InfectiveInk wants you to have fun and submit.

Do you have a snippet of writing, more than one snippet, longer than a snippet? And you just want to submit somewhere. may be the answer. InfectiveInk: “Instead of focusing on genre or style, we inspect themes and universes . . . all based on the same prompt.” “A haunted house doesn’t have to be a horror story, in fact a haunted house could simply refer to a memory or a family that has endured a tragedy. Zombie tales can be hilarious, and the word ‘zombie’ could refer to any number of things. Mysteries can find their way into any situation. Be creative, push your boundaries, have fun, write great stories.” “Write to the prompt and HAVE FUN!” Please read Submissions Guidelines and Author Agreement. 2016 PROMPTS: Submit by July 28, 2016: Little mistakes, big trouble We all make mistakes, usually small, and usually inconsequential, but sometimes those little things lead to surprising and…