Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogger Janet Ciel: Recall a time in your life. . .

Janet Ciel writes: The other day I was having a conversation with a biking friend who mentioned she had a dream of being a poster child for the 70′s and above age group. She said she was buckling down on her eating, biking as much as possible, and is joining a gym. She was inspired by an amazing woman she read about who is in her 90s and still competing in track and field events. You know my response was enthusiastic, as of course I always feel that our maximum potential is just another bike ride away. I am amazed at the strength and endurance increases that are possible by just doing it, what “it” is for you, over and over again. No matter what your age you can get stronger and more vibrant. But some of you have not even started. You might be in your 70s or older…


You just have to fight your way through. — Ira Glass

Ira Glass is host and producer of This American Life. David Shiyang Liu recorded Ira talking about storytelling.  In Part One of the interview, you can watch Ira in the recording studio. You can also read about parts two, three and four in the caption. In Part Three Ira talks about the creative process. Watch Ira’s words unfold in a whimsical way. Ira Glass, the art of storytelling (typed with minor modifications): Nobody tells people who are beginners, and I really wish somebody had told this to me, is that all of us who do creative work . . . we get into it, and we get into it because we have good taste, but it’s like there’s a gap. For the first couple of years that you’re making stuff, what you’re making isn’t so good; it’s not that great. It’s trying to be good, it has ambition to be…