Just Write

Natalie Goldberg talks about writing practice

From an interview in The Sun with Natalie Goldberg, November 2003: A writing practice is simply picking up a pen — a fast-writing pen, preferably, since the mind is faster than the hand — and doing timed writing exercises. The idea is to keep your hand moving for, say, ten minutes, and don’t cross anything out, because that makes space for your inner editor to come in. You are free to write the worst junk in America. After all, when we get on the tennis courts, we don’t expect to be a champion the first day. Writing is an athletic activity; the more you practice, the better you get at it. The reason you keep your hand moving is because there’s often a conflict between the editor and the creator. The editor is always on our shoulder saying, “Oh, you shouldn’t write that. It’s not good.” When you keep the…


Natalie Goldberg says . . .

“First thoughts have tremendous energy. It is the way the mind first flashes on something.” Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones Nat’s quote perfectly describes what a free write can do . . . opens us up to ideas and thoughts that lie within us.  Try it. Go to the prompts category here and choose a prompt, then write . . . freely. Just Write!