Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogger Ted A. Moreno’s Top Ten Tips for Super Productivity

Ted A. Moreno, Certified Hypnotherapist and Success Coach, shares his top ten tips for super productivity. 1. Start the day centered and grounded. Jim Rohn said “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” How you start the day will affect how your day goes. If you wake up and you are already rushing around and running late, the day is running you. Give yourself some space to be prepared mentally and feel super in the morning, even if it means getting up earlier to exercise, read or meditate. 2. Write down your goals the night before. Make your to do list the night before. Plan to start the next day with the most important things that will make the biggest difference, or start with the hardest. This way, you move into the day with momentum and the feeling of productivity and being super! 3. Keep yourself fed and…