Places to submit

Colorado Review

THE COLORADO REVIEW accepts short fiction, personal essay, poetry, and book reviews. FICTION & NONFICTION Colorado Review considers short fiction and personal essays with contemporary themes (no genre fiction or literary criticism). POETRY Poetry of any style is accepted. Please limit poetry submissions to no more than five poems at a time. PRIZE FOR POETRY NELLIGAN PRIZE BOOK REVIEWS If you would like to submit a book review, please send query to respective editors. SUBMISSION DATES AND FORMAT (Scroll down) Nonfiction manuscripts are read year-round.  Fiction & poetry manuscripts are read from August 1 to April 30. Simultaneous submissions are accepted; writers must notify CR immediately if the work is accepted elsewhere. CR considers only previously unpublished work. Colorado Review purchases First North American Serial Rights; all rights revert to the author upon publication in CR. We pay $10 per page ($30 minimum) for poetry and $200 for short stories and essays. Authors…