Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogger Lynn Henriksen asks, “Who is this woman you call Mother?”

Guest Blogger Lynn Henriksen invites you on a journey. Who is she, really—this woman you call Mother? What could be more important than looking at your mother as an individual unto herself? Come along with me on a journey into the heart of the Mother Memoir to write a true and telling tale by answering this question: “If you could tell just one small story that would capture your mother’s character and keep her spirit alive for years to come, what would it be?” Moving your ego aside and searching purposefully for your mother’s intrinsic character can take some time to put into practice, but it is so worth your energy to discover valuable insights. Do you know what makes (made) her tick? What buoyed or drowned her hopes and dreams? What inspired her joy, tugged at her heartstrings, or thrilled her to the depths of her soul? What enlivened…