So, you’ve got your book written, or almost written, or you have an idea for a book, but you’re stuck dead in your tracks because you detest the marketing aspect of the book business Amanda McTigue says, “No doubt about it: we writers love to write, hate to sell. How could it be otherwise? We’re the odd balls who’d rather spend vast quantities of time alone in our imaginations. And yet these days, we’re told not only must we craft (and sometimes publish) our works, but also find readers to read them: a daunting challenge compounded by our own dread. What’s a writer to do?” Amanda shares resources on one of our least favorite challenges: marketing yourself and your book. “The Psychology of Writer Promotion. How to Promote Yourself,” Chuck Wendig “Book Marketing 101,” Jane Friedman “Five Mistakes You’ll Make on the Way to Publishing Success,” Carmen Amato via Jane…