Discovering Epiphanies . . . Prompt #479

How to get to an epiphany in writing. One way to discover an epiphany: Start with: The problem began with wanting something. I wanted . . . I wanted it because (back story) . . . To get it, I . . . (action) However, something got in my way: (there may be several actions/reactions/sequences that got in the way) . . . I had to try something different, so I . . . At the time I was thinking that . . . The turning point came when . . . When that happened, I realized . . . Resolution: After that I . . . Another way to get to an epiphany: Write about a pivotal event in your life. Something happened and you weren’t the same after.  Narrow it down to the exact moment and location where it took place. It could be something wonderful or something…

Ekphrastic Writing . . . Prompt #477

Today’s writing prompt is inspired by Jumpstart Writing Facilitator Lakin Khan. From Lakin: Participants in the Jumpstart Writing Workshops that I facilitate have been doing some ekphrastic writing, which is descriptive writing about or a response to visual art. We have been having fun looking at paintings and photos, imaging stories and practicing writing visual descriptions. Lakin’s response to a postcard of Claude Monet’s painting “Wheat Stacks at Dawn.” “Frost is the frosting on these giant cupcakes of hay waiting in the pale pearly peachlight of dawn for the Giant of Alsace to stomp down the hill for his morning meal. At least so far, he’s been happy with hay. What might happen if he decides to go all keto on us and demand ostrich-eggs over easy and a side of humans to start his day?”   ~ Lakin Khan Another example is Anne Sexton’s poem “Starry Night” one of many ekphrastic responses to…

Movie Magic . . . Prompt #474

~ “Men like my father cannot die. They are with me still, real in memory as they were in flesh, loving and beloved forever.” How Green Was My Valley. Write about someone who lives on in you or someone you will never forget. ~ “We’ll always have Paris.” Casablanca. Write about something you will always have or something you no longer have and wish you still had it. ~ “I was to think of these days many times. Of Jem, and Dill . . . and Atticus. He would be in Jem’s room all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning, To Kill A Mockingbird. Write about someone who is always there for you. Or someone who needs you. ~ In Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, there’s a scene where Butch and Sundance run up a mountain to avoid the relentless posse, finding…

The Movies. . . Prompt #473

Today’s writing prompts are inspired from movies. ~ Thelma and Louise, National Lampoon’s Vacation, Little Miss Sunshine. Write about a road trip. ~ Dirty Dancing, Saturday Night Fever, Footloose. Write about how you learned to dance. ~ The Sting, two con men outcon a con. Write about a time you were tricked, or you tricked someone. ~Forrest Gump. Life is like a box of . . . [fill in the blank and continue writing].