An honest evaluation by Guest Blogger Nina Amir:
I had to get really honest with myself. And then I had to get honest with others . . .
I have been unhappy. I have not been successful. I have given away my power. I have not followed my own path. I have lived up to other people’s expectations.
I have not lived the life I wanted to live or done the work that is my purpose in this lifetime—my life’s work.
And something had to change. I had to change. My life had to change.
I’d been starving my soul.
Now, I am feeding it. I am creating, day by day, a life that feeds my soul.
And every day I’m a bit happier and fulfilled.
I’m starting to recognize myself again.
I’m making little changes that put me back on the path I want to walk.
People have asked me: “Why are you offering a program about personal and spiritual growth? You are an expert on writing, publishing, and blogging.”
Well . . . I’m also a Certified High Performance Coach—which makes me an expert in personal growth.
And I’ve been studying and writing about spirituality and metaphysics for years. And I’m a Law of Attraction (LOA) coach and a minister. I guess that makes me an expert in spiritual growth.
And . . . more than any of the credentials, writing and coaching about personal and spiritual growth makes my heart and soul sing. It’s my passion. It inspires me.
And, if I am going to live a life—create a life—that feeds my soul, I have to focus on my life’s work. I have to write and speak and coach about personal and spiritual growth.
Watch the changes happening . . . to my website, my offerings, me . . .
And ask yourself: Is your life starving your soul or feeding it?
In this crazy world . . . at this crazy time . . . start living a life that feeds your soul. None of us know what will happen to us tomorrow.
You are a creator. You are meant for more. Create a life that feeds your soul.
If you want to know how to do that, go to
Nina Amir is known as the Inspiration to Creation Coach because she helps her clients combine their passion and purpose so they Achieve More Inspired Results. It’s Nina’s mission to help people step into the best version of themselves, fulfill their purpose, and achieve their potential as they create fully lived lives.
Nina Amir’s Books
Nina is a hybrid author who has self-published 18 books. Her traditionally published books include How to Blog a Book, The Author Training Manual and Creative Visualization for Writers.