
Yearnings . . . Prompt #791

As a child, what toys or games did you see advertised on TV, or in the Sears Roebuck catalogue, that you wanted and didn’t get? OR: What toys did you want that your friends had and you didn’t have? OR: Write about being jealous, or feelings of “have not.” OR: Yearnings: Then or now. Frances Lefkowitz wrote a wonderful memoir, “To Have Not.” #justwrite #iamawriter #iamwriting


Caught Up . . . Prompt 788

Are you, or is your fictional character, caught up? Caught up with current slang Caught up with current events Caught up with something that takes too much of your energy or time Caught up with TV shows you want to watch. Caught up with correspondence: letters, emails, texts, phone calls, messages Caught up with things that need to be done? If yes, how does that feel? If not, what would it take to be caught up?


Magical . . . Prompt #784

A writing prompt can be a word, a phrase, a book title, a line from a poem, or a line from a song. Today’s writing prompt is a word: Magical Write whatever comes to mind when you think “magical.” Blog posts that capture magical and creativity musings. Writing is Magical Creativity as Magic #justwrite   #amwriting   #iamawriter   #creativity


Trouble . . . Prompt #783

Today’s writing prompt, Trouble, is brought to us by Marcia Aldrich’s post on Brevity, “Too Vast for Words: Writing prompts for Large Subjects.” In this Brevity post, Marcia asks: Do you have a history with this word, trouble? How long has it been important to you? Why this word and not near synonyms? Is it part of a song or movie or book that matters to you? Does your sense of the word differ from what other people might think of it? If so, how? Writing Prompt: Trouble Just Write! #amwriting   #justwrite   #iamawriter


Sentence Starts . . . Prompt #782

Sentence starts to inspire ideas to write about: Sentence starts If my family had a motto, it would be . . . The kitchen table . . . The worst, or best, thing about my mother / father / sibling / grandparent . . . I will never forget . . . I will always remember . . . My favorite thing to do when I was 8 years old . . . 12 years old . . .14 years old . . . On Saturdays, I liked to . . . I want you to know . . . Just Write! #justwrite   #iamwriting  #iamawriter