
Character Sketch . . . Prompt #556

Prompt #554, Character Idiosyncrasies, on The Write Spot Blog, suggests ideas to write about a fictional character, or someone you know. You can do all that for this prompt. Plus, you can fill out the answers for yourself, as if filling out a questionnaire.

Character Sketch . . . fill in the details about your character.

5 positive traits

5 opposite traits

3 least favorite things

3 favorite things

What does this person love?

What is this person looking for?

What is this person afraid of?

What is most important to this person?

What is this person’s secret?

Prompt inspired by Stefanie Freele’s June 2012 Writers Forum talk, “Developing Character.”

Please join us on February 10 and February 18 for Zoom Writers Forum talks about story telling by Kate Farrell, editor of Story Power.

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