
Color Play

By Cheryl Moore

I had been looking forward to the beginning of 2021; 2020 had been such a sad year, then January 6th happened. Chaos and uncertainty filled me.

Since the trouble at the nation’s capital, I’ve made an abrupt change in my paintings. Instead of the landscapes and fanciful trees from a nearby park, my usual work, I’ve been painting abstracts to capture the oddity life has taken.

I start by drawing straight lines across a canvas then I add curves. I step back and study these charcoal marks and try to find some pattern, some way of organizing the geometric spaces I have created. It may take a day of looking.

My color palette is usually blue, blue-violet, and purple with accents of peachy orange and pink. The contrast of light and dark pattern is important.

I am not interested in making great art; I don’t expect to like every piece. My goal is to have fun, to play, to forget the troubles of the world and just spend an hour or two enjoying myself.

Cheryl Moore grew up in the Midwest, then lived in San Francisco to finish high school and attend college where she studied biology. During the late sixties and into the mid-seventies she lived first in Sweden for a year, then for four years in Iran where she served as librarian in a small research library for wildlife biologists.

Nature and science have always been among her interests. After returning to the U.S., she moved to Petaluma and has dabbled in writing stories.

Since retiring from employment at Sonoma State University, she has taken up painting.

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