Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogger Mona Mechling, In memory of Karen.

Mona first posted “In memory of Karen” on her blog, Envelope of Random Things.

Karen BatchelorIn memory of Karen

A year ago a talented, amazing woman left us too soon. I always felt she was a mentor to me, not just in my writing world, but about life in general. In memory of her I want to post what I call my mission statement. Ok, other writers out there, let’s send the world some stories! I can only hope that somehow I might continue her legacy in that way.

                                       Mona’s Mission Statement

MonaMy mission is to be a mentor to upcoming writers struggling to find their way with the craft of writing. I hope to do this as a testament to the mentors who were there for me. I will do this by being an example of how crucial it is to continue in my quest for knowledge of the process of the written word and the power that is behind a great story. If this gets me to work more fiercely and with more dedication, then I know all is how it should be and the cosmos has willed it to be so.

Mona Mechling considers herself a dark Erma Bombeck. As a preteen, she began writing poems and short stories that went into a drawer. Her first published story was one in Vintage Voices when she was fifty. Life, family and friends are her inspiration.

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  1. Kate Farrell

    YES! Mona, I’ve been remembering Karen this month. I miss her mentoring so much and how she contributed to Redwood Writers. But I also remember who Karen was, a deeply caring, passionate woman, eager to learn about all the dimensions of life and beyond. I know she is learning in spirit now! Happy New Year! Kate

    1. mcullen Post author

      I agree, Kate. Karen lives in my heart. Marlene

  2. Michelle Wing

    Thanks for the inspiration, Mona. I never really knew Karen, and feel that I missed out on an amazing opportunity. But her spirit obviously lives on, through so many of the writers that she nourished…

    1. mcullen Post author

      Karen would be surprised at how many people she inspired. It’s interesting how, sometimes, we never know that we are making a difference.

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