
My Pen Tonight

Memorable writing that sparks imagination. Lean in. Hear the writer’s voice on the page.

My Pen Tonight

By Cheryl Moore

My pen seems to have run out of words.

Minutes tick by—tick, tick, tick

But no matter how hard I try

All starts dry up and say good-bye.

When Cheryl Moore came to California in the early 1960’s, she realized she’d found her home. Moving to Petaluma in the 70’s, she was as close to paradise as she’d ever get.

Travel has taken her to Europe and the Middle East. She has written on these memories as well as on the flora and fauna of the local river and her own garden.

Chery’s writing has been published in “The Write Spot to Jumpstart Your Writing: Discoveries,” available from your local bookseller. Print and ebook available through Amazon. Also available through the Sonoma County Library system.

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