

Memorable writing that sparks imagination. Lean in. Hear the writer’s voice on the page. BEE-ING By Su Shafer I have become a stone. A gemstone. Labradorite Or Moonstone maybe. No – an Orca Agate From the Earth, with an affinity with water. I am a stationary object. My unruly legs have taught me The power of stillness, How motionlessness invites presence In each moment.   Today I watched a bee visit All the flowers in my patio planter. Her tender attention to each one The pollen pantaloons on her legs The song of her wings,  Humming as she went from floret to floret Trailing in the air behind her as she flew off.   Her busy work reminds me There are no small lives. I think of her and her sisters Bustling about in the hive, Content in their purposefulness. Unlike my quiet house There is no stillness in a…


I am

Memorable writing that sparks imagination. Lean in. Hear the writer’s voice on the page. I am By Patricia Morris I am made of rich black soil that grows corn and soybeans and wheat and oats and vegetable gardens. I am made of love showered upon me by parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles. I am made of tallgrass prairies and mighty rivers. I am made of grief and loss. I am made of Midwestern college campuses, of thick gray and dark green law books. I am made of courtrooms and jails, prisons and government office buildings. I am made of curiosity and wanderlust, of courage and manners. I am made of blood and bone, atoms and molecules, hair and cartilage. I am made of brain synapses and aching joints, smiling eyes and laughing mouth. I am made of love. Who is this “I” I am describing? I learn in…


Introvert? Extrovert? . . . Prompt #795

Are you, or is your fictional character, an introvert or an extrovert? Do you know the difference? It has been explained to me this way: An extrovert is energized being in a crowd. An introvert is drained of energy being in a crowd. What is your definition of introvert and extrovert? Write what it’s like being an introvert in an extrovert world. Or, what is it like being an extrovert? Are the people you spend time with mostly extroverts or introverts? How does that work for you?


Writers: Open doors to flights of imagination

“. . . the urge to be a writer is a generous act at its core: we want to share our story with others, to give them a world that will open doors to insights and flights of the imagination.” — Grant Faulkner Excerpted from “Sharing stories, sharing yourself,” from Grant’s Substack newsletter on writing and creativity, “Intimations: A Writer’s Discourse.” Grant: As a boy, I spent my allowance on all sorts of pens and paper, so there was never much question I would become a writer. I received my B.A. from Grinnell College in English and my M.A. in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. It seems like I should have other degrees, such as an MFA in Novels about People Doing Nothing But Walking Around, a PhD in Collages and Doodles and Stick Drawings of Fruitless Pursuits, or a Knighthood in Insomniac Studies, but I don’t.