Just Write

Push Past The Fluff

When you are freewriting and there is more time to write, but you feel ready to stop . . . try to keep going. Push the limits. Push past the urge to go no farther.

After the fluff is written, deeper writing can happen. Perhaps a doorway to intuitive writing will open.

One of the benefits of writing fine details when freewriting, besides exploration and discovering forgotten items, is that details are what make stories interesting and make them come alive.

I Feel Statements
The reason for “I feel” statements in freewrites is that this is a way to learn and access your emotions about what happened. This is what personal essay or  memoir writing is all about. The facts are interesting, but what the reader wants to know is:

~ What the narrator gained

~ The narrator’s emotions

~ What lesson was learned

~ The epiphany or the “aha” moment


The Freedom of Freewrites

Freewrites: Opening Doors to Discoveries

Just Write!

#amwriting #justwrite #iamawriter

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