Places to submit

Saddle Road Press wants your writing.

Are you looking for a press to publish your book length writing? Consider Saddle Road Press, as Michelle Wing did with her book of poetry, Body on the Wall.

Saddle Road Press, founded in 2011, is a small literary press located in Hilo, on the Big Island of Hawai’i. In 2013 they founded the Forty-Three North Chapbook Series – named for the latitude of Lake Erie – to honor their long-time home near Buffalo.

Now that SRP is permanently settled back home in Hawai’i, they are focusing more on writing from and about the Pacific. They are primarily looking for work that moves and delights them. They are open to older writers, to non-MFA writers, to performance pieces, to writers whose first language is not English. They are interested in poetry, literary fiction, memoir and essays.

Shape your writing now, and be ready to submit later this year.

“We read submissions once each year, between November 15th and January 15th. Please do not submit manuscripts outside of these periods. Typically we publish three books a year.”

SRP has now gone digital, Editor’s Blog.

Saddle Road Press


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