Guest Bloggers

Show Up And See What Happens

Photo by Marlene Cullen

Guest Blogger Suzanne Murray writes about the power of commitment and practice.

Whether it’s for writing, meditation, exercise, or anything you want to do but feel resistance to, establishing a practice can help you move forward in magical ways.

It signals to the universe that you are committed.

Having a practice means that you show up every day, no matter what.

Release all expectations of outcome or where you think you want things to go.

It doesn’t matter how good you are or what you accomplish or what happens with the practice.

You sit down to meditate and your mind goes wild with chatter the entire time, that’s fine.

You show up to write and find yourself whining on the page, that’s okay.

The point is to show up and practice.

A lot of things are happening when you show up consistently to something.

You begin to forge the neural nets in your brain needed for the task and strengthen them so that whatever you are committed to actually becomes easier to do and you are able to increase your level of skill.

In writing your subconscious mind is working 24/7 on whatever you give it to focus on, so showing up every day allows you to access new insights and ideas arising from your expanded mind.

You commit and take the action. The universe responds in kind, to the power of your willingness and the force your commitment.

Free from expecting that you need to accomplish something, you relax and open up to allowing.

In this receptive state, your subconscious mind aligns with the workings of the Universe and you find support, synchronicities and inspired ideas coming to you.

Establishing a practice helps you move beyond any resistance that has been in the way.

When you release the need for instant gratification, you slip into a sense of satisfaction from the simple act of showing up for yourself.

You learn to find joy in the practice itself and this allows you to expand your creative capacity.

To begin, start small.

When I coach writers who are having a hard time showing up, I ask them at first to commit to writing ten minutes a day.

This helps cross the threshold of resistance and move past the voice that tells you that you don’t have enough time.

Once you have established the habit of showing up you will find things flowing with greater ease.

Wishing you ease in your creative practice.

Suzanne Murray, a frequent contributor to The Write Spot Blog offers:

Creativity Coaching

Creativity Goes Wild Blog

Emotional Freedom Technique Sessions

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