
Describe a task. Prompt #376

  Tillie taught me how to fill a pen, or, as she said, “How to properly  fill a pen.” One: Turn the filling plunger counterclockwise as far as it will go. Two: Dip the nib completely into the ink. Three: Turn the filling plunger clockwise until it stops. Four: Hold the nib above the ink bottle and turn the plunger counter-clockwise again until three drops of ink fall back into the bottle. Five: Turn the plunger clockwise to stop the drops. Six: Wipe the excess ink completely from pen and nib. When I told Tillie that six steps seemed a lot to have to do before you begin, she said, “You must think of those six steps not as preparation for the beginning but as the beginning itself.”  — The View from Saturday by E. L. Konigsburg Prompt: Desribe the steps to accomplish something. Or: Write about preparing something. Just…


Patterns Prompt #375

Take a mental trip down Memory Lane. See yourself at five years of age. Picture that child. See him or her. Grab some detail. Smiling? Serious? Able to sit still? Has to move around?’ Now, see yourself at twelve years of age. Take a moment to really see that image of yourself as a young teenager. Notice the clothes you wore, your hairstyle. What did you like to do? Who were your friends? Were you a serious student? Were you frivolous? Care free? Fast forward to twenty-five years old. How do you see yourself? How did you move . .  slow paced, bustling around, steady, focused, scattered?  Were you scaling corporate ladders? Were you climbing walls, anxious to get going, to start your career, start your life? How about thirty or forty or fifty years of age . .  did you shine your light on projects or people? Where were…