Wordrunner echapbooks wants emotionally complex and compelling writing. This could be from you. Submissions for the Wordrunner echapbooks anthology series are open January 1-February 29, 2020. Submit your best fiction, creative non-fiction or poetry to Wordrunner’s 10th Anniversary issue, to be published in April 2020. There is no theme. “We want emotionally complex and compelling writing about whatever strikes your fancy, be it serious or humorous or both. Please look in the Archives at previous anthologies to get an idea of what we like to publish.” Submission Guidelines
Tag: Jo-anne Rosen
The Write Spot: Memories
Marlene Cullen’s collection of short essays compiled in The Write Spot: Memories unfolds like a gently-made, multi-colored origami box. Each story is its only piece, its own regretful, loving, confusing, humorous, illuminating tale, yet held together by one theme that touches us all—our fathers and our memories of them when we were children, and our awakenings about them as we became adults. The Write Spot: Memories is for anyone who has had a father—whether present or absent, loving or distant, authoritarian or goofball. Authentic and relatable, each story is written with deep insight and love. —Julie Wilder-Sherman I love this book and the way it encourages, instructs and gives writers practical ideas to keep on writing. The stories are captivating and written from the heart. Each author ends with an honest description of their Inner Critic and how they tame it! I read this book twice because of the honest…
Submit to Wordrunner echapbooks
Two fiction collections, each by one author, will be selected for Wordrunner’s Fall 2017 e-chapbooks, to be published in September and November, respectively. Stories by authors who receive Honorable Mentions will be considered for publication in the annual spring anthology. Last day to submit July 31, 2017. Stories may be flash or longer, from 500 up to 5,000 words each. Quality trumps word count. Minimum of five stories and no more than 15 (if flash fiction). They need not be linked, but it would be a plus if they belong together for some reason, be it theme, location or character/s. Excerpts from novels will also be considered for these echapbooks. Looking for fiction that is subtle in emotional complexity. Submit your best work only. Each story should be original and compelling. No genre fiction, please, unless a story is good enough to transcend genre. General guidelines: At least one-fourth of…
Wordrunner eChapbooks
Wordrunner eChapbooks has published 25 online chapbooks — 10 fiction, 5 memoir and 5 poetry collections, each featuring one author, and 5 themed anthologies by multiple authors. Wordrunner is pleased and proud to be showcasing these diverse and talented writers. Theme for next submission is “Devices” (technology’s impact on our lives and relationships): Fiction, memoir and poetry. There is no fee to submit and authors are paid. Submissions will open from November 15 through January 15, 2016. Guidelines will be posted after November 15, 2015. Note from Marlene: Start writing now, so you have time to revise, edit and submit. Jo-Anne Rosen is the publisher/editor of Wordrunner. Jo-Anne’s fiction has appeared in many publications. Two of her stories were performed at the New Short Fiction Series in Hollywood, California, on October 12, 2014. Jo-Anne is a book and web designer and a small press publisher. Jo-Anne established Wordrunner Publishing Services…
Wordrunner eChapbooks now accepting submissions.
Wordrunner eChapbooks: Small Fiction Collection Submissions for this fiction collection, to be published online in June 2014, will be accepted until May 31, 2014. Stories may be flash or longer, from 750 up to 4,000 words each, totaling a minimum of approximately 8,000 and a maximum of 18,000 words for the collection. We would like at least five stories, but no more than 20 (if flash fiction). They need not be linked, but it would be a plus if they belong together for some reason, be it theme, location or character/s. We will also consider novel excerpts for this echapbook. There is no fee to submit and authors receive token payment. Submit your best work only. Each story should be original and compelling. No genre fiction, please, unless a story is good enough to transcend genre. Click here for additional guidelines and submission link. Arlene Mandell‘s memoir Scenes From My…
Interview character – Prompt #6
Inspired from “Character Profile” by Patrick Scalisi in the November issue of The Writer magazine. Interview your main character or supporting characters. If you have a fictional character, you can work with that. If you are writing about something that really happened, you can use those people as your characters. If neither of those work, use a photo . . . develop a picture into flesh and blood characters. For your fictional character: Interview him or her as a journalist would. . . but not at the age they are in your story. If they are older . . . interview the younger version of your character. If they are young. . . imagine what they might be like as an older person. For your real-life person: Same thing. . . have an imaginary interview of him or her. . . you can pick the age. . . younger if…