Places to submit

Wordrunner eChapbooks now accepting submissions.

Wordrunner eChapbooks: Small Fiction Collection

Submissions for this fiction collection, to be published online in June 2014, will be accepted until May 31, 2014.

Stories may be flash or longer, from 750 up to 4,000 words each, totaling a minimum of approximately 8,000 and a maximum of 18,000 words for the collection. We would like at least five stories, but no more than 20 (if flash fiction). They need not be linked, but it would be a plus if they belong together for some reason, be it theme, location or character/s. We will also consider novel excerpts for this echapbook. There is no fee to submit and authors receive token payment.

Submit your best work only. Each story should be original and compelling. No genre fiction, please, unless a story is good enough to transcend genre. Click here for additional guidelines and submission link.

Arlene Mandell.ScenesArlene Mandell‘s memoir Scenes From My Life on Hemlock Street  was first published by Wordrunner eChapbooks (December 2009) and  is now available in paperback and e-book in Turns: A Collection of Memoir Chapbooks from Telling Our Stories Press (June 2012). On Amazon or Smashwords.


Jo-Anne Rosen

Jo-Anne Rosen, Wordrunner eChapbook publisher,  prepares any sort of publication for print or electronic distribution. She provides pre-publishing services and a chapbook press for self-publishing authors, as well as website design, building and maintenance. For more information, visit or contact Jo-Anne at

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