Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogger Jean Grant-Sutton and glorious messy imperfections

Guest Blogger Jean Grant-Sutton writes: This time of year I am reminded so pertinently of the glorious messy imperfection of life. I see it in an amass of leaves on the ground that are so exquisitely beautiful in their array of color, but they make for a lot of clean up and clutter in the yard. Great in the compost to make nutritious soil — glad for that. I take comfort in reality. Life is made up of much glorious messy imperfection. I feel like I’m one of them And I continue to practice acceptance for that. It takes courage to be imperfect. Click here for a great article by Roger Allen on this topic. I hope you enjoy it. Integrative Yoga Therapist, Jean Grant-Sutton loves to share writings that stem from an understanding of life based on the ancient art and science of Yoga. She writes to connect and…