Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogger Jean Grant-Sutton and glorious messy imperfections

Sutton.Jean.1Guest Blogger Jean Grant-Sutton writes:

This time of year I am reminded so pertinently of the glorious messy imperfection of life.

I see it in an amass of leaves on the ground that are so exquisitely beautiful in their array of color, but they make for a lot of clean up and clutter in the yard.

Great in the compost to make nutritious soil — glad for that.

I take comfort in reality.

Life is made up of much glorious messy imperfection.

I feel like I’m one of them

And I continue to practice acceptance for that.

It takes courage to be imperfect.

Click here for a great article by Roger Allen on this topic. I hope you enjoy it. Sutton autumn

Integrative Yoga Therapist, Jean Grant-Sutton loves to share writings that stem from an understanding of life based on the ancient art and science of Yoga. She writes to connect and relate with others about the journey of being  a human being.

Jean Grant-Sutton ERYT/1000, CMT is a teacher and educator of yoga. She is currently the Yoga Program Director at P.O.S.T. Wellness by Design in Petaluma Ca. Her many years of practice and experience as a retreat leader, studio owner and director of teacher trainings award her the talent to construct  transformative experiences in her classes. She skillfully brings depth, clarity, ease, and joy to this ancient bodywork practice. Click here for more information about Jean Grant-Sutton and yoga integrative therapy.

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