Guest Bloggers

Stressed? Sensory Awareness might be the answer for healing.

Today’s Guest Blogger Jean Grant Sutton writes about why we are stressed.  The Great ‘Post Covid’ Unwinding It has become so very clear to me of the havoc that has been wreaked on our world from the Covid Pandemic. Of course, for most of us the disruption to our financial stability is still having ripple effects. For those in small business or even those that lost jobs or needed to let their job go because of the lockdown may still be struggling to get back above water.  Where I am experiencing the most clarity of devastation is in our human nervous system. With the knowledge of physiology and how we are wired in our brainstem for survival, I personally feel and witness in others the huge contraction that was triggered by this threatening virus. Huge repercussions to many connected systems take place when the stress response is activated as it…

Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogger Jean Grant-Sutton and glorious messy imperfections

Guest Blogger Jean Grant-Sutton writes: This time of year I am reminded so pertinently of the glorious messy imperfection of life. I see it in an amass of leaves on the ground that are so exquisitely beautiful in their array of color, but they make for a lot of clean up and clutter in the yard. Great in the compost to make nutritious soil — glad for that. I take comfort in reality. Life is made up of much glorious messy imperfection. I feel like I’m one of them And I continue to practice acceptance for that. It takes courage to be imperfect. Click here for a great article by Roger Allen on this topic. I hope you enjoy it. Integrative Yoga Therapist, Jean Grant-Sutton loves to share writings that stem from an understanding of life based on the ancient art and science of Yoga. She writes to connect and…