Guest Bloggers

Stressed? Sensory Awareness might be the answer for healing.

Today’s Guest Blogger Jean Grant Sutton writes about why we are stressed.

 The Great ‘Post Covid’ Unwinding It has become so very clear to me of the havoc that has been wreaked on our world from the Covid Pandemic. Of course, for most of us the disruption to our financial stability is still having ripple effects. For those in small business or even those that lost jobs or needed to let their job go because of the lockdown may still be struggling to get back above water. 

Where I am experiencing the most clarity of devastation is in our human nervous system.

With the knowledge of physiology and how we are wired in our brainstem for survival, I personally feel and witness in others the huge contraction that was triggered by this threatening virus.

Huge repercussions to many connected systems take place when the stress response is activated as it has been.

This is called Stress Response Hyperstimulation.
We know there was a huge stress response activation globally, we were put on lockdown, isolated and masking for most of 2 years.(Some people are still for their various reasons)

What happens when the stress response is activated and hyper-stimulated is well documented in our health sciences. If affects all systems, organs, glands in various ways that can lead to so very many symptoms of dis-ease. 

Heart palpitations, Chest pain, Dizziness, Lightheadedness, Muscle weakness, Numbness, Tingling, Weak limbs, Asthma, Anxiety, Chronic pain, Back pain, Chronic fatigue, Insomnia . . .  the list goes on. 

I bring this to your attention to help support your understanding of the need to be sure to do whatever is necessary to help unwind the layers of stress in order to come back to homeostasis and equilibrium in your body/mind systems. 

Doing a Daily Deep Relaxation like ‘savasana‘  the resting pose has shown to relax the central nervous system and return it to healthy ‘rest and digest’ functioning.  Consider creating a new habit for yourself. Every day take 7-10 minutes to lie down on floor and let the sensory awareness of your body prevail. The results may surprise you in how you feel. 

Another resource for calming the nervous system: Sankalpa.

“Sankalpa is your heartfelt mission, said in a short phrase or sentence, clearly and concisely expressed, using a present tense “I” statement. It is said to ourselves in the present tense because it is in the now, as it is really only now all the time. This sustains your inner felt sense of purpose, meaning, and value.”

Jean Grant-Sutton’s approach to Integrative Yoga Therapy, is based on a vision of health as a unity of body, mind and spirit. She focuses on bringing balance, strength, flexibility and awareness to the body and mind. To raise awareness of the primary intention of yoga: awakening of Spirit–our essential nature.

Jean’s yoga classes are both in person (Petaluma, CA) and online.

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